At a time of global and economic challenges and rapid technological change, building a relationship with consumers has never been more important. Join us as we discuss the basics of brand building, financing strategies, legal challenges, and how today’s consumer-facing company can best reach global customers.
Bob Blair ▫ Founder & CEO ▫ Speedboard USA
Sara Gragnolati ▫ Founder & CEO ▫ Cocomama Foods
Jerry Kahn ▫ Managing Director ▫ Beechwood Capital
Steven Gold, MD ▫ Professor/Director ▫ Babson College Summer Venture Program
Moderator: Lawrence H. Gennari ▫ Partner ∙ Gennari Aronson, LLP
Admission Free
Seating Limited
7:30-8am Continental Breakfast
8-9am Presentation/Q&A
9-9:30am Networking